How to Get That "Back to School" Energy, Regardless of Your Age

For some, back to school represented an exciting, social, invigorating time. It was a time to get into a new routine, learn new things, reconnect with old friends, make new friends, and get a new outfit, (or two). The anticipation of a new school year brought exciting unknowns: What will your teacher(s) be like? Who will your classmates be? Will you find your classrooms? This time of year also represented an end of unstructured summer days, late bedtimes, less “rules”, and a greater sense of relaxation. It wouldn’t be a therapist’s commentary if I didn’t offer the reality that this time of year might also significantly heighten social anxiety. The very same things that excite us can make us paralyzed with fear.

“Back to School” is the idea of a fresh start. It’s the season for setting new goals, trying new things and taking risks. Really, it’s a chance to shape and define who you are and who you will become. This can be a mindset anyone can adopt. This time came be a starting line of a new season, regardless of your age or your place in life. How can you close out the coming year achieving your most important goals? How do you update a strategic plan, or start a new one in your business? How do you improve yourself? 

  • Set one new goal or refresh an old ones. When you walked into the classroom for the first time after a long summer break, you had more than new pencils and a new haircut. You had new and exciting ambitions to fulfill in the upcoming school year. Setting these goals for yourself renewed your motivation and boosted your spirit. Find this feeling within your job, home life, and activities. Choose one thing to do- any more will feel overwhelming. Try something new!

  • Keep learning. As we grew older, we also grow wiser. That new knowledge, expertise, and confidence gives us the tools we need to adapt to each year’s new and unique environment. If you are beyond school age, you can still recognize and take advantage of the changes that occur within your work industry, within your children as you watch them grow, or within yourself as you change over time. Even in the personal and professional realms, class is never out of session.

  • Discover what motivates you. In school, you were motivated to pass that chemistry test, score that goal on the field, or make it into the club that interested you most. What motivates you today? Is it meeting new people? Exploring new places? Getting that certification your boss has been suggesting? Look into a way to better yourself in an area of life that is meaningful to you.

Autumn symbolizes the time of self reflection. Take an hour in the crisp fall air with a fresh notebook and a pumpkin spice latte, and decide what “back to school” means to you and how you can make the most out of the season of change. 

Photo: S. Conti

Photo: S. Conti

Sarah Conti